This term I’m taking a WordPress class. I’ve been using WordPress since 2009 so I went into the class thinking this would be an easy A. Because I’m a punk, I thought I’d go nuts with my final. I mean… really start showcasing what WP can do. I even added my mod of the Hello Dolly plugin. I figured this would demonstrate that I’m a WP god. Then I received my first critique of the site…

  1. You need to set the home page to a static page rather than your activity stream – it’s confusing to your site visitors to see that on the home page.
  2. I’m not sure what benefit the Hello Nacho plugin provides to your site? And I wasn’t able to see where it is on the back end, or what it does.

My teacher is right. The site is hard to read. In my attempt to be artsy with my site created some confusion. I have an assignment and I was arrogant. My take away is that I need to remember the first rule of design… Keep It Simple, Stupid. Sometimes customers don’t know what they want. Sometimes customers do know exactly what they want… a WordPress site. Nothing fancy or complex. Keep it simple. Stick to what the customer wants. I learned the K.I.S.S. concept in graphic design, so I should carry that thought process in web design… Keep It Simple, Stupid.

I got a 90 in the assignment when, with my skills, I should have received a 100. Oh well… lesson learned.

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Creator of Totally Naked Man ( and McSchluberson ( Web Developer and Designer. Pronouns: His, him, he