WP 5.0 is Live

WordPress 5.0 just launched today. I have updated all my WP sites. There are no issues to report right now. All is good.

This is my first blog with Gutenberg as the native text editor.I’m not skeptical about how WP would function with Gutenberg. I am concerned with how awkward the new text editor is. WP is reaching out to Squarespace and WIX users. I will learn to live without a basic text editor. I remain annoyed by the Document/Block options on the right-hand side. This may be another feature that appeals to non-WP users. 

There are new plugins to build on Gutenberg framework. Block Gallery by Rich Tabor allows users to build better galleries. Block Lab is another plugin to create custom Gutenberg block. I’ve loaded both in this install and will experiment with them. 

Good luck to everyone updating their installations today. I hope it is a smooth transition. 

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Creator of Totally Naked Man (https://totallynakedman.com/) and McSchluberson (https://mcschluberson.com/). Web Developer and Designer. Pronouns: His, him, he