Happy Birthday WP

WordPress celebrates 16 years today. You can read more about it via WP Tavern at https://wptavern.com/happy-sweet-16-wordpress.

I began using WordPress in 2009. I worked on a site called Real Life Superheroes.org. I used WP to repost articles about people dressing up as Superheroes to do good deeds. The site evolved into a Social Network (due to BuddyPress). When the movie Kick-Ass came out, Lionsgate offered my co-admin and I a cross marketing deal. In 2011, I stepped down as admin and left the site to new administrators. They could not maintain the site. It broke due to viruses and spambots. I moved the old content to a wordpress.com address.

Since then, WordPress is my go-to site builder. I often experiment with other platforms, but my bread and butter is WordPress. It is what I am familiar with and it is what I’ve taken classes for. It’s a powerful piece of software. I don’t know where I would be without WordPress.

Thank you to the Automattic team for building a CMS that has shaped how I develop websites.

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Creator of Totally Naked Man (https://totallynakedman.com/) and McSchluberson (https://mcschluberson.com/). Web Developer and Designer. Pronouns: His, him, he