Unsplash for WordPress

Unsplash Test Image
A look at the Unsplash Block

Unsplash released an official WordPress plugin. For those who may not know, Usplash is an image repository for free images. Photographers donate their photos to Unsplash for others to use for free. Unsplash built a plugin that connects WordPress to their image library.

WPTavern wrote an excellent blog about the plugin at https://wptavern.com/unsplash-launches-official-plugin-for-wordpress.

The setup is easy. A user must have Unsplash account so the plugin can connect the site via security token. Click on the connect button in the plugin’s dashboard, and your all set.

Adding this powerful repository eliminates the need to search for royalty-free images. It is not fun activity unless you are creating your own images. The conflict I found is that this plugin will not work if you are using the External Links plugin (by WebFactory LTD).

Download the plugin at https://wordpress.org/plugins/unsplash/.

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Creator of Totally Naked Man (https://totallynakedman.com/) and McSchluberson (https://mcschluberson.com/). Web Developer and Designer. Pronouns: His, him, he