The kids brought home another mutant cold. I’ve been so sick for the past few weeks. Yesterday I finally was able to put some pencil to paper. I am hoping this weekend I can get back to the Zetaman story.

During this time I discovered another podcast called Behind the Bastards. The podcasters do deep dives into notable people who were/are just awful. The first series I listened to was about Vince McMahon. I knew he was a terrible person. but the the show really spelled out how bad McMahon is. The second biography I listened to was about Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert. I’m not going to rag on Adams because it is too easy to do. However, Mr. Adams’ story is a good cautionary tale about personal ego and art. I finished a series Behind the Bastards did about Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson is a monster. I paid attention to this story in particular because I’ve been jotting down notes for a story called Captain Blowhole and the Ninja Pirates of the Oregon Coast. One of the characters is Thomas Jefferson. I just finished one about Thomas Kincade and now on a series about Alex Jones.

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