
Video Poker Thumbnail

Video Poker

PCC CIS 195P Spring
The project gets data from the user and passes that data to one or more secondary pages using POST method.

Baby Names Thumbnail

Popular Baby Names

PCC CAS 222 Spring 2020
A PHP website to gather data from txt files and create a table from the information.

jQuery Puzzle Thumbnail

jQuery Puzzle

PCC CAS Fall 2020
Final for Principles of HTML and CSS. Students needed to build a responsive website. Portland Historical Tours content provided by the class.

Ace in the Hole Thumbnail

Ace in the Hole Multisports Event

PCC CAS 222 Spring 2020
The project required students to build a mobile responsive website. The site needed registration and contact forms that stored data in a database. The website needed to follow CSS3 and HTML5 standards. The website must contain an image gallery, a FAQ section, and social media widgets.

Burrito Masala Thumbnail

Burrito Masala

PCC CAS 242 Spring 2020
Project required students to build a one-page mobile responsive website. The client was a local food cart in Portland, Oregon. Students needed to create a SWAT analysis, a brand book, a user journey, and persona templates.

Golden Ratio Screenshot

Golden Ratio

PCC CAS 242 Spring 2020
Project required students to build a one-page mobile responsive website complete with downloads and anchors.

Portland Historical Tours Thumbnail

Portland Historical Tours

PCC CAS 225 Winter 2020
Students needed to build a website that generated pages using SQL. The project needed a database that contained reservation and contact information. The contact form also generated an email to the user.

Mobile Commenter Thumbnail

Mobile Commenter Program

FedEx Freight December 2018
A jQuery comment generator for Freight Analysis. The generator assisted in building reports for FedEx Freight.

Additional projects are on GitHub at