PCC CIS 195P Spring
The project gets data from the user and passes that data to one or more secondary pages using POST method.
PCC CAS 222 Spring 2020
A PHP website to gather data from txt files and create a table from the information.
PCC CAS Fall 2020
Final for Principles of HTML and CSS. Students needed to build a responsive website. Portland Historical Tours content provided by the class.
PCC CAS 222 Spring 2020
The project required students to build a mobile responsive website. The site needed registration and contact forms that stored data in a database. The website needed to follow CSS3 and HTML5 standards. The website must contain an image gallery, a FAQ section, and social media widgets.
PCC CAS 242 Spring 2020
Project required students to build a one-page mobile responsive website. The client was a local food cart in Portland, Oregon. Students needed to create a SWAT analysis, a brand book, a user journey, and persona templates.
PCC CAS 242 Spring 2020
Project required students to build a one-page mobile responsive website complete with downloads and anchors.
PCC CAS 225 Winter 2020
Students needed to build a website that generated pages using SQL. The project needed a database that contained reservation and contact information. The contact form also generated an email to the user.
FedEx Freight December 2018
A jQuery comment generator for Freight Analysis. The generator assisted in building reports for FedEx Freight.
Additional projects are on GitHub at https://github.com/illyaking